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Narwhal tooth import agent case

Business information

        Product name: Narwhal tooth specimen


        Purpose: Domestic collection


        Features: Endangered species, need to deal with CITES, legal inspection


        Trading method: General trading


        Transportation method: Because of the larger volume, most customers choose sea transportation


Narwhal tooth import agent case


I. Operation process:


        1.First of all, confirm the correct Chinese product name, Latin title, determine the species and the process。


        2.Customer issue as soon as possibleCITES。foreign-basedCITESTo process import licenses。


        3.Signing agency agreements with domestic customers,


        4.Prepare submission documents, including our company and customer qualification documents, foreign CITES, etc., in one copy。To the Ministry of Agriculture, waiting for administrative approval。


        5.After receiving the administrative permit, prepare the documents to submit to the Endangered Species Office。


        6.After the endangered certificate is issued, the shipment shall be arranged abroad and submitted to the customs after the goods arrive at the portImport declaration手续。

        7.Because it belongs to the legal inspection of goods, so the customs inspection can be released, release the back door to the door distribution to customers。

Ii. Precautions:


        Because narwhals belong to aquatic wildlife, it is important to note that the process is different from that of terrestrial species。
        (If the aquatic animals and their products are sold by the company in China, it is necessary to apply for the aquatic business utilization certificate in advance, and you can call our company for details。)

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